[webkit-gtk] Displaying very long HTML documents (books), etc.

Michael Catanzaro mcatanzaro at redhat.com
Wed Feb 7 05:48:50 PST 2024

On Wed, Feb 7 2024 at 03:31:29 PM +02:00:00, Sim Tov <smntov at gmail.com> 
> 1. The target documents might be very long - books. Does WebkitGTK 
> know how to deal with this? Can it load/unload dynamically certain 
> portions of the HTML document in order to hold in memory only what's 
> visible (in order not to collapse/stay responsive)? Probably a 
> similar mechanism is used when dealing with webpages with "infinite" 
> scrolling...

Nope. You'll have to handle that yourself.

> 2. The source file will be displayed in GtkSourceView. Is there a way 
> to implement synchronized scrolling, i.e. when the user scrolls the 
> source in GtkSourceView the rendered document will scroll accordingly 
> inside WebkitGTK (and vise versa)? It's probably also important to 
> implement bookmarks, i.e. save the place where the reader left 
> reading and closed the app, so it can be focused on that same spot on 
> the next app launch.

I'm sure it's all possible, but it will have to be done manually. Good 
luck. :)


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