[webkit-gtk] [Q] block all network accesses – how?

Albrecht Dreß albrecht.dress at posteo.de
Fri Aug 4 12:36:32 PDT 2023

Am 03.08.23 22:05 schrieb(en) Florian Bruhin:
> You said you're doing this for a MUA - for what it's worth,
> https://www.emailprivacytester.com/ is a nice way to see if anything
> leaks out.

Ah, interesting – I'll check that out – I /hope/ that we didn't make too many mistakes implementing…

> As a user of a very niche MUA (Dodo), I'd also be interested in what MUA
> that is :)

…Balsa <https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/balsa>, which is very old, but stable (I hope).  Build it from Git if you're interested, the distos typically come with old versions (and we do not produce releases as often as we should ��️).

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