[webkit-gtk] Rewrite content blocker message

Adrian Perez de Castro aperez at igalia.com
Tue Mar 17 03:37:11 PDT 2020

Hello Cédric,

On Sat, 29 Feb 2020 13:38:20 +0100, Cédric Bellegarde <cedric.bellegarde at adishatz.org> wrote:
> I've ported Eolie to use WebKit content blockers (adblock, multimedia, 
> javascript, phishing)
> For phishing, I maintain a phistank list converted to WebKit format:
> <https://github.com/bellegarde-c/webkit-blocker-phishing>
> But the message in Eolie is not explicit, we don't not know what is 
> blocking a website (see attachment)

There is some support in WebKit to inspect (to a certain degree) which content
blocking rules have been applied during a page load, but this is not exposed
currently in the WebKitGTK API.

In your opinion, what would be good to have exposed in the API? Or, in other
words: it would be useful for me to know which kind of information would you
like to have about blocked content (e.g. which filter rules triggered the
blocking, which rule exactly) to be able to look into what WebKit supports
and what makes sense to provide in the API :-)

> Is there a way to rewrite this page?

Not currently. If we added some API which exposes information about the state
of content blocking for a page load (as I suggest above), then you would be
able to provide your own page e.g. using webkit_web_view_load_alternate_html()

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