[webkit-gtk] TextCodec.cpp lacks include <cstdio> when compiling with clang-7.0

Adrian Perez de Castro aperez at igalia.com
Thu May 23 01:55:00 PDT 2019

On Wed, 22 May 2019 22:58:01 +0300, Denis Pronin <dannftk at yandex.ru> wrote:
Non-text part: text/html

> Actually, including <cstdio> would do because it declares 'using
> std::snprinf' in global space. Moreover, there is a common recomendation
> to use c++ wrappers starting from <c...> over c-headers ending with <.h>
> in c++ code. I would rather you followed this recomendation to not break
> the rule

The WebKit coding style [1] does not specify what to do in this case where
both a plain C (stdio.h) and C++ headers (cstdio) are available, so I agree
with Denis here that it is better to use the latter (cstdio)


[1] https://webkit.org/code-style-guidelines/
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