[webkit-gtk] JavaScriptCore with wekbitgtkv1?

Adrian Perez de Castro aperez at igalia.com
Sat Apr 28 03:51:36 PDT 2018

On Fri, 27 Apr 2018 14:29:16 -0400, Anthony Walter <sysrpl at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ah okay, so reading from the news at webkitgtk.org i see:
> https://webkitgtk.org/2018/04/18/webkitgtk2.21.1-released.html
> Add initial JavaScriptCore GLib API
> So I guess the JavaScriptCore GLib API is new and not in any repositories
> yet. If i want to try it I'll have to build from sources.

Yes, I did not mention the new GLib-based C API because it is only available
on development releases like 2.21.1, but the “traditional” JSC plain C API
has been available since forever. The idea with the new GLib-based API is
to provide a more idiomatic API which plays nicely with the rest of the
WebKitGTK+ API, *and* that is also usable with GObject-Introspection to
allow e.g. Python or Lua language bindings without having to manually wrap
the plain C JSC API.

If you are going to keep using the old WebKitGTK+ version you mentioned in
your first e-mail, you will only have available the plain C JSC API. That
would be the case also if you would switch to the latest *stable* release.
To use the new GLib-based API you need the 2.21.1 *development* release, or
wait for 2.22.0, which will be the first stable release which will include

So, summarizing:

 - The plain C JSC API is available in all releases before 2.21.1, both
   old WebKit1- (single-process) and WebKit2-based (multiprocess) versions
   of WebKitGTK+.

 - For the new GLib JSC API, you need 2.21.1 (if you can use a development
   release), or wait for the 2.22.0 stable.

I hope the situation is clearer now :-)


 Adrián 🎩
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