[webkit-gtk] Mini browser not displaying anything

kwadwo amankwa que.amankwa at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 15:18:56 PDT 2016

Here is the dump , but it seems gdb is having a failure creating the dump

On 29/09/16 22:44, Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez wrote:
> On 29/09/16 23:19, kwadwo amankwa wrote:
>> I did as suggested  with no luck . I have attached the output of glxinfo
>> as well as an image of the minibrowser.
>  From the image it looks to me like the webprocess is crashing.
> After opening the minibrowser, can you check if you have any process running with name WebKitWebProcess ?
> If you don't have it, then it is probably crashing at the startup.
> So... can you try the following?:
> 1. enable coredumps
> ulimit -c unlimited
> 2. run the minibrowser, wait a few seconds, close it.
> 3. There should be a file named 'core' on your current working dir.
> 4. Generate a backtrace by running:
> gdb --batch -ex "thread apply all bt full" /path/to/webkit/WebKitBuild/Release/bin/WebKitWebProcess core
> And attach here the backtrace.

-------------- next part --------------
warning: core file may not match specified executable file.
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/build/gdb-cXfXJ3/gdb-7.11.1/gdb/cp-support.c:1595: demangler-warning: unable to demangle '_ZSt7forwardIRZN6WebKit29NetworkConnectionToWebProcess26writeBlobsToTemporaryFilesERKN3WTF6VectorINS2_6StringELm0ENS2_15CrashOnOverflowELm16EEEmEUlRT_E_EOS9_RNSt16remove_referenceIS9_E4typeE' (demangler failed with signal 11)
Attempting to dump core.
/build/gdb-cXfXJ3/gdb-7.11.1/gdb/cp-support.c:1608: demangler-warning: unable to demangle '_ZSt7forwardIRZN6WebKit29NetworkConnectionToWebProcess26writeBlobsToTemporaryFilesERKN3WTF6VectorINS2_6StringELm0ENS2_15CrashOnOverflowELm16EEEmEUlRT_E_EOS9_RNSt16remove_referenceIS9_E4typeE' (demangler failed with signal 11)
A problem internal to GDB has been detected,
further debugging may prove unreliable.

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