[webkit-gtk] Are you using unstable GObject DOM API?

Carlos Garcia Campos cgarcia at igalia.com
Thu Sep 1 00:23:58 PDT 2016

We have finally frozen the GObject DOM bindings API, moving all the
generated code to the source tree. But now we have a bunch of unused
code there that I would love to remove. The unstable API no longer
makes sense, because that code is not auto-generated so all API there
is going to be stable. So, the idea is to move the unstable API
currently used by applications to the stable part, to not break any
existing application, and then remove the rest of the API. Of course,
we can add new API on demand if needed.
But to do this we need to know what unstable API is currently used by

I've already checked the GNOME apps (evo, ephy and yelp), so if you are
using unstable DOM API (you can easily check it by grepping
for WEBKIT_DOM_USE_UNSTABLE_API in your code) in you application (and
it's not ephy, evo or yelp), please let us know either here or
commenting on bug https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=161440

Note that new code will be fully compatible even for applications using
the unstable API, we'll leave the Unstable.h headers that will just
include the normal header.

Carlos Garcia Campos
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