[webkit-gtk] letter spacing issues

Alexandre Leray alexandre at stdin.fr
Fri Sep 25 15:52:03 PDT 2015

I need to precise that the screenshots I linked to in my first e-mail
are screenshots of zoomed pdf created using the print to file menu of
Epiphany and Chromium.

On 26/09/2015 00:40, Alexandre Leray wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> thanks for the fast answer.
> This should do:
> http://codepen.io/anon/pen/EVNVMN
> It seems to happen at small sizes only. I made a test using a much
> larger font size and the result is much better.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> On 26/09/2015 00:28, Martin Robinson wrote:
>> Do you happen to have small bit of HTML that reproduces this issue?
>> --Martin
>> On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 3:21 PM, Alexandre Leray <alexandre at stdin.fr> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm having letter spacing issues with all my fonts on Epiphany (and
>>> possibly other webkit-gtk based browsers.
>>> Inner letter spaces are irregular.
>>> Kerning definitively works: setting optimizeLegibility clearly makes a
>>> difference. So the problem lies somewhere else;
>>> Here is what is a zoomed screenshot of what, for instance, I get:
>>> http://img.ctrlv.in/img/15/09/25/5605c81bb60c3.png
>>> On Chromium, I can see a much better result:
>>> http://img.ctrlv.in/img/15/09/25/5605c84293e37.png
>>> I'm using Archlinux with Epiphany 3.16.3 and WebKit 2.8.5, using
>>> Fontconfig Infinality Ultimate.
>>> Any idea of where the error comes from?
>>> Thanks a lot,
>>> Alexandre
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Alexandre Leray
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