[webkit-gtk] webkit2gtk 2.7.4 sending cookie from cache after a 304 with missing Content-Type ?

Jérémy Lal kapouer at melix.org
Tue Mar 24 13:21:06 PDT 2015

I'm seeing something very weird in a complicated setup here, and am trying to
understand what's happening:

1 - open page urlA, Set-Cookie CA
2 - do xhr requests to urlB (ETag set in response)
3 - load same page urlA, Set-Cookie CB
4 - do xhr request to urlB 304 (If-None-Match hit), a response is sent
from expressjs server, without a content-type header set (the server
gets Cookie CB)
5 - a second xhr request to never requested urlC is done: the server
gets Cookie CA !

it's confusing me a lot. I though it was a mistake on the server, but
as i'm logging requests/responses headers as seen by server, i ruled
that out.

am going to test against webkit2gtk 2.8.0


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