[webkit-gtk] how to download something with webkit ?

Nicolas Jäger jagernicolas at legtux.org
Tue Jan 27 15:27:33 PST 2015

I'm struggling to make my web browser able to download.
What I'm doing, is trough the policies, when I got a,


then I check the mime type to decide to download it or not

|WebKitResponsePolicyDecision* responseDecision =
|response = webkit_response_policy_decision_get_response
|mimeType = webkit_uri_response_get_mime_type(response);
|if( !webkit_response_policy_decision_is_mime_type_supported( responseDecision)
|     || mimeType == "application/pdf" ) {
|  webkit_policy_decision_download( decision ); 

also, I have this function :

|downloadRequestedGC( WebKitWebView* webview
|                   , WebKitDownload* download
|                   , gboolean* handled
|                   )
|  std::cout << "downloadRequestedGC" << std::endl;
|  std::string destination = "file:////home/user/test";
| // what to do before ?
| webkit_download_set_destination(download,destination.c_str());
| // what to do next ?

First I don't know how to send a signal like "I want to download".
because if I click on file, I never get downloadRequestedGC called.
Second I don't see some function like "start the download" in the API.


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