[webkit-gtk] webkit_network_request_from_message

Victor Lucero victor.lucero at ipartner.cl
Tue May 27 11:26:18 PDT 2014

So its better for me to start porting my work to webkit2?

Best Regards.
Victor Lucero.

El 27-05-2014, a las 13:20, Carlos Garcia Campos <cgarcia at igalia.com> escribió:

> El mar, 27-05-2014 a las 10:38 -0400, Victor Lucero escribió:
>> Hi.
>> I was looking at webkit_network_request_new to create new request to
>> start navigation(with custom headers or custom body), but soup request
>> came nil, also creating a new one with a custom message isnt that hard
>> so I thought that creating a webkit_network_request_new_from_message
>> (SoupMessage* msg) will  be really helpful. so i was wandering.
>> Can implement it myself via a bugzilla or i need permission from you
>> guys?
> That's WebKit1 API that is currently deprecated and in maintenance mode
> only. We don't plan to add any new API to WebKit1.
>> Best regards.
>> Victor Lucero.
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> -- 
> Carlos Garcia Campos
> http://pgp.rediris.es:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xF3D322D0EC4582C3

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