[webkit-gtk] testing text-caret-moved events

Mario Sanchez Prada mario.prada at samsung.com
Tue May 6 03:46:42 PDT 2014

Hi Jarek,

I think that idea of using AccessibilityUIElement.setSelectedTextRange() and
calling atk_text_set_caret_offset() when length == 0 might work, so I'm all
for trying that out. After all, internally in WebKit, Caret positions are
treated as zero-length selections anyway, so it's not that inconsistent.

If that does not work for some reason though, then adding new API to
AccessibilityUIElement (+ providing dummy implementations for other
platforms) could certainly be another possibility.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: webkit-gtk-bounces at lists.webkit.org [mailto:webkit-gtk-
> bounces at lists.webkit.org] On Behalf Of Jarek Czekalski
> Sent: 05 May 2014 21:59
> To: Mario Sanchez Prada; webkit-gtk at lists.webkit.org
> Subject: Re: [webkit-gtk] testing text-caret-moved events
> W dniu 05/04/2014 10:37 PM, Jarek Czekalski pisze:
> > atk_text_set_caret_offset is never used except testatk.c. How do we
> > make this kind of tests on JS platform?
> This case could be hacked without extending the api, which seems
> difficult, as the api is common to all platforms. May I convert
> atk_text_set_selection call into atk_text_set_caret_offset when length
> == 0? I have AccessibilityUIElement.setSelectedTextRange method in
> mind.
> Jarek
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