[webkit-gtk] WebkitGTK requires GTK 2 instead of GTK 3

Adrian Perez de Castro aperez at igalia.com
Fri Nov 1 14:28:17 PDT 2013


christophe.jarry at ouvaton.org writes:

> I have tried to build webkitgtk 2.3.1 with the following options:
> [...]
> Why does webkitgtk 2.3.1 requires me to have GTK 2 installed when I
> explicitly wanted it to be built against GTK 3? Is that a bug?

Plug-ins run in their own separate process. The plug-in process
uses GTK+ 2 because there are a number of plug-ins (including Flash)
which are using GTK 2. Unfortunately, there is no easy way of
building WebKitGTK with the plug-in process disabled--although
it should be possible without much tweaking.


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