[webkit-gtk] How can I build webkitGTK with openGL ES 2.0 only.

김병찬 woanggun at gmail.com
Tue Jun 11 22:07:18 PDT 2013


I'm not expert at linux, opengl, and English.. so take it easy plz :)

I trying to build webkitGTK with openGL ES 2.0 only. ( not openGL )

I was checkout webkit source from here(
http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk), and build with
this(build-webkit --gtk) command.
And then test webGL contents with "--enalbe-webgl=TRUE" option. (it's

Now I want test webGL contents with openGL ES 2.0 only.
I got a hint for this in WebKit Revision r130525, and try build with
this(build-webkit --gtk --disable-glx --enable-egl --enable-gles2) command.
And then I met a little compile error in cairo_gl.h, resolve this error
with undefine CARIO_HAS_GLX_FUNCTIONS.. ( just for test.. )
And then, build success.

Then I remove libGL.so* in my desktop. ( make similar environment with
embeded system)
And launch my binary, I got this message :
"error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1 ... "
If dont remove libGL.so*, then my binary launch well.
But I'm not sure about "this binary only use opengl ES".

*So, my question is this : *

 1. My build command for use openGL ES 2.0 is right? (build-webkit --gtk
--disable-glx --enable-egl --enable-gles2)
 2. If yes, this binay only use opengl ES?
 3. If also yes, how can I check it in my desktop(ubuntu)?

And additional question.. (actually, this is my goal.)

 4. Is webkitGTK's webGL feature running well in embeded system? ( this
system only support openGL ES 2.0. not openGL )

Thank you for read.
And wait your answer.. please answer me please.

-- Chan.
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