[webkit-gtk] Video playback with webkit gstreamer

Michael A. Peters mpeters at mac.com
Wed Dec 2 02:40:17 PST 2009

anil v wrote:
> Hi All,
>   I have ported webkitGtk on to Ubuntu Linux with video enabled ( 
> gstreamer installed ). How to call play the video using gstreamer on 
> WebkitGtk ? Could any one suggest me ?

I can't answer your question but the packaged binaries (at least on 
jaunty) are getting closer.

Via the html5 media tags, epiphany / midori will now display the 
specified poster but do not yet play media, and google chrome (jaunty) 
which I believe uses their own static webkit build now plays ogg 
vorbis/theora but does not yet play h.264/mp3 (yes, I have the fluendo 
plugins) - so it probably will not be much longer until the packaged 
binaries do it.

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