[webkit-efl] Support WebSpeech in WebKit-EFL

Mario Sanchez Prada mario.prada at samsung.com
Tue Jun 11 08:05:25 PDT 2013


As fas as I can tell, eSpeak is one of the speech synthesizers used in GNOME
[1] by the Orca screen reader [2], so I understand it could be a good
solution for this too. The other speech synthesizer I heard of is
Festival[3], which can be also selected from Orca through speech-dispatcher
(I believe espeak and festival work as "backends" to s-d), and which I
believe it's the one used in Spain by Junta de Andalucia in a massive
installation of their Guadalinex [4] distribution (and with great results so
far, afaik).

In any case, you'd probably be better of asking in gnome-accessibility-list
mailing list (or even gnome-accessibility-devel) for better feedback about
this topic, as they should be able to tell you in more detail the pros and
cons of each system, and maybe some other one I might be missing right now.

My 2 cents,

[1] http://www.gnome.org
[2] http://live.gnome.org/Orca	
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Festival_Speech_Synthesis_System
[4] http://www.guadalinex.org/

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