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Hello list,
this is my first mail and I want so say "Hi" to you.
The reason why I entered this list:
I would like to know why the context menu for opened
PDFs in Safari has changed after r153570 in r153759.
I have a web application and it is important for me and
my 400 customers to have the old context menu.
Also annoying is the way PDFs are displayed.
Everytime they are displayed at full window width.
Having a 30" Cinema Display you could imagine
that I don't want to have a microscope view to PDFs.
When I change the view to original size or two pages
it is not remembered. This is also a lack of comfort.
I am generating PDFs with FPDF and need to control
many times what I have programmed/generated.
And when everytime the PDF is displayed in full width
mode I have to switch to an appropriate view for
viewing my work every time!
I hope that you understand my situation and it would
be nice to have a solution for it.
Thanks in advance,