[webkit-dev] 2022 WebKit Contributors Meeting — Registration Open!

Jonathan Davis jond at apple.com
Mon Oct 3 14:28:48 PDT 2022

Hello WebKit Contributors,

You are invited to participate in a virtual WebKit Contributors Meeting hosted online via WebEx on Wedmesday, November 9th from 1 PM to around 6 PM Pacific and Thursday, November 10th from 8 AM to around 2 PM Pacific.

To attend you must be an active contributor to the WebKit open-source project. The meeting will be free of charge, and registration is open. You can register for the event on the 2022 WebKit Contributors Meeting page: https://webkit.org/meeting/

This year’s event is being organized by Jon Davis, Brian Kardell, Eric Meyer, and Jen Simmons. The event will feature presentation-led discussions of 10-40 minutes long, followed by queue-moderated discussion. There will also be a lightning talk segment if you have a topic you can present in less than 10 minutes.

If you have a topic to present for discussion, please email any of the organizers, or message them on WebKit Slack.

This year will include an optional social experience in the form of a game that you can choose to participate in. It’s an extra fun way to get to know folks in the community. More details on this experience are available from the meeting page.

Feel free to reach out to me with ideas or questions on this year’s online event.

We’re looking forward to seeing you there.
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