[webkit-dev] Transitioning commit-queue to new EWS and deprecating old EWS

Aakash Jain aakash_jain at apple.com
Mon Mar 23 10:25:17 PDT 2020

Hi Everyone,

commit-queue should be much faster now (after https://webkit.org/b/208938). For e.g. in https://ews-build.webkit.org/#/builders/28/builds/117 commit-queue took ~2 minutes to commit. This is because commit-queue now skips layout tests if the mac-wk2 ews is already green. Also builds are usually fast since EWS does incremental builds. This feature was there in old commit-queue but was mostly broken.

I also want to get some feedback on 'https://webkit.org/b/208941 regarding how should commit-queue handle build/test failures on other EWSes. Following might be few options, please feel free to add anything.

#1: Whenever a builder or tester fail, it will set commit-queue flag to cq-. This would also result in bugzilla sending a notification email to the patch author and cced people. Anyone can still cq+ the patch and commit-queue will commit it. This is similar to old EWS behavior.

#2: commit-queue should check the patch status on few specific builders (e.g.: ios, mac, mac-debug, gtk, wpe etc), and do not commit if any of those EWS is red. This might make it little difficult for people to override EWS false positive (that's why this check should be implemented only for builders).

#3: commit-queue should wait for all EWSes to be green (this might not be very practical given that we have various flaky tests which sometimes create false positive, or one particular queue might get backlogged sometimes due to issues on bots).


> On Mar 18, 2020, at 3:12 PM, Aakash Jain <aakash_jain at apple.com> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I have transitioned commit-queue from old EWS to new EWS. This was the last queue on old EWS. I will soon start deleting old EWS code from the repository.
> While transitioning the commit-queue, I have also made several improvements:
> - commit-queue now supports security bugs
> - commit-queue now leaves only one comment on Bugzilla (instead of two previously) after successfully landing the patch
> - Less bugzilla comments on failures and more readable content (no more detailed logs in comments like https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=207727#c10).
> Also commit-queue now runs mac-wk2 tests instead of mac-wk1 tests. Please let me know if you notice any issue.
> Thanks
> Aakash

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