[webkit-dev] Upstreaming from LayoutTests to web-platform-tests, coordinating Blink+WebKit

youenn fablet youennf at gmail.com
Fri Nov 17 09:18:40 PST 2017

>From my experience, the people behind WPT are quite responsive to WebKit
Here are two examples:
Chris recently noticed that some heavily used files (testharness*) were
cacheable through Apache but not WPT.
This is now fixed and should improve WPT performances.
In January, was discussed the idea to automate WPT manual tests.
WebKit requirement to use test runner API instead of WebDriver was taken
into account.
I am pretty confident that WPT can accommodate other WebKit issues.

We have a lot of conformance-only tests in WebKit LayoutTests.
It would make a lot of sense to upstream them/replace them.
Having an up-to-date version and an obsolete version of the same test at
the same time is not appealing.
It makes writing a conformance-fixing patch longer and it takes more time
to run the test suite for no good reason.

Regression tests are of course more difficult to process and probably less
of a priority.  This was discussed quickly at TPAC.
Upstreaming such tests could be done as long as these tests are marked as
WebKit-specific and changes to them would require validation from WebKit
Keeping history through git should be possible.

I would also like to mention that, from my personal experience, WPT tests
are of a high quality.
This probably comes from WPT nature which is focused just on tests and
developed a specific review process and validation process for the sole
purpose of tests.

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