[webkit-dev] C++17 is here. Should we use it?

JF Bastien jfbastien at apple.com
Fri Aug 4 13:39:41 PDT 2017

Hello WebKilters,

Our Chrome-y friends are considering the use of C++14 <https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!msg/cxx/ow7hmdDm4yw/eV6KWL2yAQAJ>. I have to say that C++14 in WebKit has been quite amazing, and we should consider using C++17: it has many wonderful new things <https://github.com/tvaneerd/cpp17_in_TTs/blob/master/ALL_IN_ONE.md>, some of which we already use through WTF’s re-implementation of library features. By now (table as witness <http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/compiler_support>) most C++17 languages features are in clang and GCC, and MSVC isn’t doing too bad either. Language things can just come through WTF if we really want them.

So how about it?

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