[webkit-dev] WebKit GPU rendering possibility

Yusuke SUZUKI utatane.tea at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 12:48:16 PDT 2016

I'm not sure it is directly helpful or not. And maybe, I think you already
know that.
But I remember that Cairo has some trace data to test the performance.
And it includes the traces on WebKit.

Best regards,
Yusuke Suzuki

On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 12:42 PM, Myles C. Maxfield <mmaxfield at apple.com>

> On Nov 3, 2016, at 12:34 PM, Konstantin Tokarev <annulen at yandex.ru> wrote:
> 03.11.2016, 22:18, "Rogovin, Kevin" <kevin.rogovin at intel.com>:
> Hi,
>  What are some good 2D UI graphics benchmarks that are cross-platform-ish?
> I'd think I need to port them to Fast UI Draw, but that is possible.
>  I am very confident that Fast UI Draw will perform at the top by a large
> margin. The more complicated and heavier the load, the better it will do.
> I would suggest you to do prototype implementation of GraphicsContext
> (e.g. by replacing code in GraphicsContextCairo) and run those browser
> performance benchmarks. If there is substantial improvement, there will be
> community enthusiasm.
> As Konstantin says, browser-based benchmarks would be best, but I assumed
> you didn’t want to implement GraphicsContext before running benchmarks. If
> you do implement GraphicsContext in a branch of WebKit, there are a few
> browser-based performance tests which may be insightful:
>    - CanvasMark http://www.kevs3d.co.uk/dev/canvasmark/
>    - Mozilla has a list of benchmarks https://wiki.mozilla.org/Benchmarks
>    - Canvas Performance Test http://www.smashcat.org/av/canvas_test/
> Perhaps some of these could even be ported to native code so you could get
> up and running sooner.
> —Myles
> -Kevin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mmaxfield at apple.com [mailto:mmaxfield at apple.com
> <mmaxfield at apple.com>]
> Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2016 9:07 PM
> To: Rogovin, Kevin <kevin.rogovin at intel.com>
> Cc: Carlos Garcia Campos <carlosgc at webkit.org>;
> webkit-dev at lists.webkit.org
> Subject: Re: [webkit-dev] WebKit GPU rendering possibility
> It sounds like the primary focus of your work is improving performance. It
> also sounds like the only benchmark you’ve run is an artificial one that
> you constructed yourself.
> Given these two things, I would strongly hesitate to call our interest
> "significant community enthusiasm.”
> Why don’t you start by running some of the many existing graphics
> benchmarks with your library?
> Please correct me if my assumptions are mistaken.
> Thanks,
> Myles
>  On Nov 3, 2016, at 12:50 AM, Rogovin, Kevin <kevin.rogovin at intel.com>
> wrote:
>  Adding a new GraphicsContext is what I want to do as it seems the path of
> least pain and suffering. However, all the other things of a backend I do
> not need to do. I do not know how to add a GraphicsContext backend in terms
> of makefile magicks and configuration. I also do not know the plumbing for
> making it active. In theory, FastUIDraw's GraphicsContext will work on any
> platform that does OpenGL 3.3 or OpenGL ES 3.0. What is the plumbing to do
> this? Years ago I remember that the build configuration is what governed
> what backend was built... and I usually just piggy packed onto another...
> years ago I remember there was like an SDL style backend that did not
> require a large toolkit, just SDL.. is that still alive? where is it? I
> could piggy back the work there if it still is alive...
>  Also, to get permission to do this work, I need significant community
> enthusiasm otherwise I will not be able to justify the large amount of work
> needed. This is another area where I need a great deal of help.
>  Best Regards,
>  -Kevin Rogovin
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: Carlos Garcia Campos [mailto:carlosgc at webkit.org
> <carlosgc at webkit.org>]
>  Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2016 9:43 AM
>  To: Rogovin, Kevin <kevin.rogovin at intel.com>; Myles C. Maxfield
>  <mmaxfield at apple.com>
>  Cc: webkit-dev at lists.webkit.org
>  Subject: Re: [webkit-dev] WebKit GPU rendering possibility
>  El jue, 03-11-2016 a las 07:35 +0000, Rogovin, Kevin escribió:
>  Hi,
>   The main issue of making a Cairo backend to FastUIDraw is clipping.
>  Cairo tracks the clipping region in CPU and does things that are fine
>  for CPU-based rendering (i.e. span based rendering) but are
>  absolutely awful for GPU rendering (from my slides, one sees that GL
>  backed QPainter and Cairo do much worse than CPU backed). FastUIDraw
>  only supports clipIn and clipOut and pushes all the clipping work to
>  the GPU with almost no CPU work. It does NOT track the clipping
>  region at all. I can give more technical details how it works (and
>  those details are why FastUIDraw cannot be used a backend for Cairo).
>  For those interested in where the code is located for clipping in
>  FastUIDraw, it is located at src/fastuidraw/painter/painter.cpp,
>  methods clipInRect, clipOutPath and clipInPath. Their implementations
>  are very short and simple and are quite cheap on CPU.
>  I see. Then I guess adding a new GraphicsContext for FastUIDraw is the
> easiest and best way to try this out in WebKit. Would it be possible to
> just add a new GraphicsContext implementation? or would you also need to
> change other parts of the graphics implementation or the GraphicsContext
> API itself?
>  Best Regards,
>  -Kevin
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: Carlos Garcia Campos [mailto:carlosgc at webkit.org
> <carlosgc at webkit.org>]
>  Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2016 9:27 AM
>  To: Rogovin, Kevin <kevin.rogovin at intel.com>; Myles C. Maxfield <mmax
>  field at apple.com>
>  Cc: webkit-dev at lists.webkit.org
>  Subject: Re: [webkit-dev] WebKit GPU rendering possibility
>  El jue, 03-11-2016 a las 06:58 +0000, Rogovin, Kevin escribió:
>  Hi!
>  Question answers:
>  1. Currently FastUIDraw has a backend to OpenGL 3.3 and OpenGL
>  ES 3.0. One of its design goals is to make it not terribly awful to
>  write a backend to different 3D API’s.
>  2. I think I was unclear in my video. I have NOT migrated ANY
>  UI rendering library to use Fast UI Draw. What I have done is made a
>  demo
>  (painter-cells) and ported that demo to Fast UI Draw, Cairo, Qt’s
>  QPainter and SKIA. The diffs between the ports is almost trivial (it
>  really is just using those different rendering API’s).
>  That makes me wonder, would it be possible to add a new cairo backend
>  based on FastUIDraw? That would make very easy to try it out with the
>  current GraphicsContext cairo backend.
>  3. There are a few areas:
>  a. Reduce some render to offscreen buffers. When I worked with
>  WebKit YEARS ago, I saw a few instances of rendering to texture that
>  are unnecessary and even harm performance for GPU rendering. The
>  first example was where a brush pattern with an image and/or
>  gradient applied is to be drawn tiled across an area. WebKit (at
>  that time) first drew a single instance of that pattern to an image,
>  then drew that image tiled. For GPU renderers we can (very easily)
>  just do the repeat pattern (of both original image and gradient)
>  from a shader.
>  Another instance happens at RenderLayer where a new GraphicsContext
>  “layer” is started on a transformation that has rotation or
>  perspective. For FastUIDraw, this is not necessary, though if a
>  layer is transparent, then it is.
>  b. In addition, FastUIDraw has an interface so that if “what”
>  is
>  drawn is unchanged but the “how” changes, then a caller can cache
>  the “what” to send to the GPU. To be explicit, “what” to draw is
>  essentially attributes and indices and those values do NOT depend on
>  the state of “how” to draw. Examples of “how” to draw: current
>  transformation, brush to apply, clipping applied, stroking
>  parameters (including dash pattern) and blending mode. I admit that
>  I am quite proud of being able to use the same attributes an indices
>  even if stroking parameters (stroking width, miter limit and dash
>  pattern) change. Text rendering “what” to draw does depend on what
>  glyphs one wants to use. Specifically, if drawing coverage font
>  glyphs, then attributes and indices values change if one wants to
>  draw the glyph biffer, but for the GPU rendered glyphs they do not.
>  4. The renderer implements full 3x3 transformations. However,
>  the renderer does NOT implement out-of-order transparency. For a
>  GPU, a
>  3x3 transformation is cheap (naturally!). The renderer does handle,
>  with a very little additional overhead changing clipping even
>  between nasty rotations or perspective changes. The demo
>  painter-cells deliberately pushes and does lots of nasty clipping
>  and the performance impact of it on FastUIDraw is very small.
>  5. Drawing text is a right pain in the rear. Currently,
>  FastUIDraw has 3 methods to draw text: coverage, distance field and
>  an original GPU algorithm that I devised for another open sourced
>  project years ago. Coverage is needed when glyphs are drawn small
>  and hinting becomes important. The original GPU algorithm keeps
>  corners sharps and does a computation in the fragment shader to
>  compute a coverage value.
>  Distance field is a fall back which has render quality issues
>  (namely corners are rounded) but is very, very cheap.
>  I want to write an additional glyph renderer that is much faster
>  than the original GPU method and keeps corners sharp. This new one
>  is to use the ideas found in https://github.com/Chlumsky/msdfgen but
>  I have a way to make the distance field generation much, much faster
>  and handle natively cubics (instead of breaking cubics into
>  quadratics)
>  For convenience, below is a list of features FastUIDraw implements:
>  1. 3x3 transformation matrix
>  2. path stroking with anti-aliasing a. dashed stroking too
>  b. miter, rouned, bevel joins c. flat, square and rounded
>  caps 3. path filling against an arbitrary fill rule 4.
>  “brush”
>  a. linear gradients
>  b. two point conical gradients (I call these radial gradients)
>  c.
>  images
>                                                      i. nearest,
>  bilinear and bicubic filtering 5. Clipping a. clipIn
>  against rect or filled path (with arbitrary fill rule) b.
>  clipOut against path (with arbitrary fill rule) 6. Glyph
>  rendering a.
>  coverage fonts b. 1-channel distance field c. curve-pair
>  analytic (original algorithm) 7. all 12 Porter-Duff blend modes
>  However, I still have work to do:
>  1. anti-alias path fills
>  2. anti-alias clipping
>  3. more glyph rendering work
>  4. some optimizations related to culling on path-fills 5.
>  dash pattern adjustments from contour length as found in http
>  s://www.w3.org/TR/svg-strokes/ 6. the analog of
>  GraphicContext’s begin/endTransparencyLayer 7. The
>  blend/combine/transfer modes of W3C that are not from Porter-Duff.
>  At this point, I need to garner interest to be able to get time to
>  work on this project at my employer. The stronger the enthusiasm I
>  can get the better my chances for continuing the work.
>  This looks really interesting, I think the GTK+ port could benefit
>  from this if it eventually can be used as a cairo replacement.
>  Best Regards,
>  -Kevin Rogovin
>  From: Myles C. Maxfield [mailto:mmaxfield at apple.com <mmaxfield at apple.com>
> ]
>  Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2016 1:30 AM
>  To: Rogovin, Kevin <kevin.rogovin at intel.com>
>  Cc: webkit-dev at lists.webkit.org
>  Subject: Re: [webkit-dev] WebKit GPU rendering possibility
>  Hello,
>  This is certainly interesting work! I have a few questions about the
>  approach of this renderer.
>  1. What API is this on top of? OpenGL? Metal? Vulkan? Raw GPU
>  commands[1]?
>  2. You mention in your video that you have already migrated Cairo on
>  top of your new tech. Traditionally, a web engine is divorced from a
>  2D rendering engine such as Cairo. Why can’t the ports of WebKit
>  which use Cairo get this new tech without any change?
>  3. What sort of API changes do you have in mind to make
>  GraphicsContext adopt?
>  4. Out of curiosity, does the renderer implement 3D transforms?
>  Did
>  you have to implement 3-D triangle subdivision along intersections
>  (perhaps for order-independent transparency)?
>  5. Which algorithm did you choose to draw text?
>  Historically, the WebKit team has hesitated to allow experiments in
>  the OpenSource repository. Traditionally, this sort of exploratory
>  work is done in a branch, and only after it has proved to be an
>  improvement, the work is adopted on trunk.
>  Thanks,
>  Myles
>  [1] https://01.org/linuxgraphics/documentation/hardware-specificati
>  on
>  -prms
>  On Nov 2, 2016, at 9:35 AM, Rogovin, Kevin <kevin.rogovin at intel.com
>  wrote:
>  Hi,
>  I was directed here by some colleagues as this is the place to post
>  the following to get started on the following proposal.
>  I have been working on an experimental 2D renderer that requires a
>  GPU, the project is open sourced on github at https://github.com/01
>  or g/fastuidraw. I gave a talk at the X Developers Conference this
>  year which can be seen from
>  https://www.x.org/wiki/Events/XDC2016/Progra
>  m/
>  rogovin_fast_ui_draw/ .
>  I made a benchmark which makes heavy use of rotations and clipping
>  and ported to SKIA, Qt’s QPainter and Cairo. The benchmark and its
>  ports are in the git repo linked above under the branch
>  with_ports_of_painter-cells. It's performance advantage of
>  FastUIDraw against the other renderers was quite severe (against
>  Cairo and Qt's QPainter over 9 times and against SKIA about 5 times
>  faster).
>  I would like to explore the option of using FastUIDraw to implement
>  a WebCore::GraphicsContext backend for the purpose of making drawing
>  faster and more efficient on Intel devices that are equipped with a
>  GPU. I also think that some minor modifications to WebKit’s use of
>  GraphicsContext will also give some benefits. I have worked on
>  WebKit a few years ago and knew/know my way around the rendering
>  code very well (atleast at that time).
>  Looking forward to collaboration,
>  -Kevin Rogovin
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> --
> Regards,
> Konstantin
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