[webkit-dev] migrating from 2.4.6 to 2.8.1

Jerry Geis geisj at pagestation.com
Mon May 4 07:43:17 PDT 2015

I am migrating from 2.4.6 to 2.8.1...

under 2.4.6 there was a ./configure script - that appears to be gone.
(Not sure why, thought that was a standard thing).

So then I searched for building webkit and I found

So I looked in that directory in 2.8.1 and that file is not present.

This is what I see after extracting the 2.8.1 tree:
[root at devgeis Scripts]# ls
run-gtk-tests  VCSUtils.pm  webkit-build-directory  webkitdirs.pm

What is the correct method to build webkit now?

Thanks for clearing up my confusion.

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