[webkit-dev] WebKit not rendering images of a local resource (from within Gedit)

Carlos Garcia Campos carlosgc at webkit.org
Mon Jan 19 10:22:04 PST 2015

El lun, 19-01-2015 a las 18:58 +0100, Peter Bittner escribió:
> Hi,
> I'm using WebKit to render HTML in a plugin of Gedit, the Gnome text
> editor. The source code is available from
> https://github.com/bittner/gedit-reST-plugin/blob/gedit-3.14/reST/restructuredtext.py#L56

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> Now it looks like WebKit is rendering images from remote resources
> (e.g. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2256/2259897373_d47ecf0983_o_d.png)
> fine, but local images (e.g. docs/reStPlugin.png) just display as an
> empty box. Interestingly, the size of the box corresponds to the real
> size of the image, but the image itself is not displayed.

Sounds like local images fail to load, probably because they aren't
found (I guess you are not passing the right base URL to the load
method). I don't know much about the python bindings, and it seems you
are using the deprecated WebKit1 API.

> Some details and a screenshot are available from a bug report at
> https://github.com/bittner/gedit-reST-plugin/issues/7
> Does this problem sound familiar to someone?
> Thanks in advance for any hints,
> Peter
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