[webkit-dev] TimerWindowWndProc and dangling page instances

Van Den Berghe, Vincent Vincent.VanDenBerghe at bvdinfo.com
Sun Sep 15 08:13:54 PDT 2013

Hello Brent,

Yes, Yes! I've seen your name in connection with all the work on Wincairo! You, kind Sir, deserve my undying gratitude. Without your sizeable contributions on Wincairo, my work would have been impossible. Thanks to you, it is merely extremely difficult <g>. If you ever are in Belgium, I'll buy you a glass of wine (Much to the chagrin of my compatriots, I don't drink beer. I'm not crazy about pralines either).

>> WebKit is designed to be embedded in other applications
Hmmm... If by applications you mean non-server browser-like user applications then I would perhaps agree. But try it in services  (like Windows Services) and web servers, and your life will become very complicated. The WebKit design has a knack to conspire against you.  Embedding WebKit in such scenarios is like peeling an onion: you peel layer after layer expecting to see the core, but what you see is yet another layer to peel.
And when you finally reach the core, you start to cry. And they aren't tears of joy. I shall give you an example in my next post. The codeword will be "onion".

>> If we can make WebKit work better in these other areas (without breaking the existing use cases) I would be very strongly in favor of integrating such changes.
That's good to hear.

>> However, we will expect you to do some work, too - namely filing bugs and documenting what you are doing.  And, hopefully, contributing code to fix the issue!
I shall endeavor to do so, Sir. I have done a bit on the aforementioned bug, and have even included a patch. However, I'm just a lowly developer with a problem to solve, a deadline to meet and an impatient manager (ok, so I got three problems to solve). My time is limited. But I shall make the most of it, promised.


From: Brent Fulgham [mailto:bfulgham at apple.com]
Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 6:01 PM
To: Van Den Berghe, Vincent
Cc: Salisbury, Mark; webkit-dev at lists.webkit.org
Subject: Re: [webkit-dev] TimerWindowWndProc and dangling page instances

Hi Vincent,

On Sep 13, 2013, at 1:34 AM, Van Den Berghe, Vincent <Vincent.VanDenBerghe at bvdinfo.com<mailto:Vincent.VanDenBerghe at bvdinfo.com>> wrote:

I'm embedding the Wincairo build of WebKit to generate PDF files from web pages in an ASP.NET<http://asp.net/> application.


Webkit isn't really designed for such a scenario but with some careful patching, a solution can be constructed which is "reasonably reliable".   However, these patches touch on WebKit's fundamental design decisions and I'm reluctant to submit them without first some validation of someone who knows the code better.   Some are more hacks than patches.

I would still encourage you to file bugs about these items so that there is documented history about the issue, and how to work around the problem.

WebKit is designed to be embedded in other applications - that's exactly why I put together the WInCairo port in the first place. However, it has been optimized and coded for specific scenarios that may not match your needs. If we can make WebKit work better in these other areas (without breaking the existing use cases) I would be very strongly in favor of integrating such changes.

So I became a member of the webkit-dev list and submitted the result of my last frustrating bug hunt to see what happens. And it looks like it's not totally worthless.

I have always found the webkit-dev list to be extremely helpful. However, we will expect you to do some work, too - namely filing bugs and documenting what you are doing.  And, hopefully, contributing code to fix the issue!

Also, please CC me on any such bugs you file.


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