[webkit-dev] There is a linking error when build webkit on windows 7

ビリゴ スチン siqinbilige at gmail.com
Tue Jun 18 23:28:29 PDT 2013

It works!

The Conclusion is :
We must copy all lib files from WebKitLibraries/win/lib to WebKitLibraries/win/lib32 before first build.
It is better to set it default.

Thank you.

> There is a script that runs at the start of the WTFGenerated build (build-generated-files.sh) that checks for the presence of the lib32/libicuuc.lib file.  It creates a file in your build folder ("${CONFIGURATIONBUILDDIR}/include/private/ICUVersion.h"), which governs whether it is looking for versioned (old-stye) or new-style.
> Even though you corrected the library paths, this ICUVersion.h file is probably messing up your build.
> Try deleting it (or just changing the "#define U_DISABLE_RENAMING 0" to "#define U_DISABLE_RENAMING 1", and then do a full rebuild.

Best Regards.

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