[webkit-dev] Dropping support for Windows versions before XP SP2

Árvai Zoltán zarvai at inf.u-szeged.hu
Tue Jan 22 01:48:16 PST 2013


Currently WebKit is configured to be compatible with Windows 2000 and 
newer Windows versions. After r139514 using InterlockedIncrement64 is 
required for int64_t atomicIncrement function to be able to build 
WebKit2 for Windows. On 32 bit target this method is supported in XP SP2 
and later.
The most elegant way to fix the current build issue is moving the 
supported version to XP SP2 and later.

The oldest desktop OS supported currently by Microsoft is XP SP3:

The other option for fixing WebKit2 build for Windows is to implement 
int64_t atomicIncrement function in assembly. It is possible, but using 
native functions for the job seems to be better, cleaner.

More details and patch are available in the bug:
"Fix the atomicIncrement implementation for Windows"

Is there any good reason for supporting versions before XP SP2?
Has anyone objection against changing the supported version?

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