[webkit-dev] Announcing the New England Browser Authors Meetup

Gavin Peters (蓋文彼德斯) gavinp at webkit.org
Fri May 18 18:40:08 PDT 2012

And a third try.  Here is the session list & attendees: http://goo.gl/vwWMB

- Gavin

On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Gavin Peters (蓋文彼德斯) <gavinp at webkit.org>wrote:

> Here is the CORRECT attendee list and agenda:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCFZb6cRiGjdExYSzVhdTdxeTM1TDR0NmxuLTAyU3c#gid=0
> Apologies for getting it wrong in the announcement!
> On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 4:38 PM, Gavin Peters (蓋文彼德斯) <gavinp at webkit.org>wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Are you a webkit contributor or other browser author in New England?  If
>> so, read on, and consider coming to a half day unconference later this
>> month on the web platform, to informally share your work, talk about the
>> web platform, and meet other people working in browsers in the area!
>> On 5/29, for a half day (starting just after lunch), authors of web
>> browsers are encouraged to come to (LOCATION TBA, NEAR MIT, CAMBRIDGE) for
>> an unconference of browser authors.  We already have confirmed attendance
>> from webkit contributors, mozilla committers, and chromium contributors who
>> live and work in the New England area.  If you do related work, consider
>> coming; we'd like to hear what you are doing that's interesting.  Don't
>> prepare too long slide decks, but do prepare opinions about what browsers
>> are getting right and getting wrong these days.
>> Here's the attendee list, add yourself at the bottom:
>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCFZb6cRiGjdExYSzVhdTdxeTM1TDR0NmxuLTAyU3c#gid=0
>> Here's the session list, please sign up to give one, or ask for one here:
>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCFZb6cRiGjdExYSzVhdTdxeTM1TDR0NmxuLTAyU3c#gid=0
>> When we start at 1pm, we'll go over the session list and assign slots.
>>  So come ready to vote on what you like, too!
>> - Gavin
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