[webkit-dev] Announcing the New England Browser Authors Meetup

Gavin Peters (蓋文彼德斯) gavinp at webkit.org
Fri May 18 00:38:09 PDT 2012


Are you a webkit contributor or other browser author in New England?  If
so, read on, and consider coming to a half day unconference later this
month on the web platform, to informally share your work, talk about the
web platform, and meet other people working in browsers in the area!

On 5/29, for a half day (starting just after lunch), authors of web
browsers are encouraged to come to (LOCATION TBA, NEAR MIT, CAMBRIDGE) for
an unconference of browser authors.  We already have confirmed attendance
from webkit contributors, mozilla committers, and chromium contributors who
live and work in the New England area.  If you do related work, consider
coming; we'd like to hear what you are doing that's interesting.  Don't
prepare too long slide decks, but do prepare opinions about what browsers
are getting right and getting wrong these days.

Here's the attendee list, add yourself at the bottom:
Here's the session list, please sign up to give one, or ask for one here:

When we start at 1pm, we'll go over the session list and assign slots.  So
come ready to vote on what you like, too!

- Gavin
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