[webkit-dev] Adding ENABLE_HTML_MEDIA_CAPTURE to WebCore

Anssi Kostiainen anssi.kostiainen at nokia.com
Wed May 9 13:12:34 PDT 2012

Hi Tamura, Adam,

On 9.5.2012, at 11.44, ext TAMURA, Kent wrote:

> I wonder if the standardization is active.  Even the editor's draft has not been updated for one year.

Good that you ask -- the spec has been waiting for implementors' feedback :)

If you're able to send us feedback based on your implementation experience, I'm happy to pick up the spec, bake in your feedback, and push it forward on the standards track (the current spec editors have moved on to do other things).

The feedback should be sent to the public-device-apis at w3.org mailing list, see:


The latest editor's draft is at:


Any feedback is welcome. E.g. given that no one seems to be interested in implementing the MediaFile* interfaces, we should probably consider dropping them from the spec. Currently we have two open issues in the spec issue tracker (http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/products/25), and some other issues highlighted in the spec itself.



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