[webkit-dev] Adding ENABLE_HTML_MEDIA_CAPTURE to WebCore

TAMURA, Kent tkent at chromium.org
Wed May 9 01:44:59 PDT 2012

I wonder if the standardization is active.  Even the editor's draft has not
been updated for one year.

On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 1:44 PM, JongSeok Yang <js45.yang at samsung.com>wrote:

> Hi webkit-dev!

> I want to let you know that I plan to add HTML Media Capture to WebKit.
> HTML Media Capture :
> http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html-media-capture-20110414/

> The spec has two sparate features - 1) to invoke a capture panel  2)
> WebIDL inteface for MediaFile.getFormatData()
> First, my plan is just to implement the interface to invoke a capture
> panel and it will be behind the ENABLE_HTML_MEDIA_CAPTURE feature define.
> See: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63062

> I expect this feature to be eventually enabled by all ports.
> If you have any commnet, please let me know.

> Thank you.
> Jongseok Yang.
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Software Engineer, Google

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