[webkit-dev] CSS3 Paged Media module

Milian Wolff milian.wolff at kdab.com
Tue Mar 6 09:12:33 PST 2012

On Wednesday 08 February 2012 13:50:54 Milian Wolff wrote:
> Hello!

Ping? Could someone be so kind as to answer my questions below?


> I am interested in improving WebKits printing capabilities. Especially a way
> to define headers and footers would be most welcome. The CSS3 Paged Media
> module [1] should allow just that.
> I wonder, has anyone begun working on this? If not, I am willing to give it
> a shot. I realize that this is a big task, and it will probably be hard for
> a newcomer like me to do properly. Hence take this email also as a cry for
> help. Any hints like what to tackle first, would be very welcome.
> Looking at the sources, my current understanding of what needs to be done is
> the following:
> 1) implement CSSParser::createMarginAtRule
> this should probably return a CSSMaringAtRule which inherits CSSStyleRule.
> Is there any documentation on what else to do? Which existing CSSRule
> implementation could I use as a reference?
> 2) handle the MarginAtRules in layouting
> I bet that this will be the hard work ;-) Again, is there any documentation
> I should read? Any hints? Are there maybe existing css rules that I can use
> as a reference?
> I furthermore wonder whether this can be implemented without too heavy
> changes. So far, the PrintContext is rather detached from the actual
> layouting mechanism. Especially considering that CSS3 allows different page
> sizes based on @page rules, I have a hard time of figuring out how this
> could work with the existing API. I fear there are (big?) changes required
> here.
> As such, any hints or guidance would be much appreciated.
> 3) unit testing
> I see that there are existing printing unit tests in LayoutTests/printing/
> and reckon that the above needs extensive testing and I'll try to get this
> done as well.
> 4) Probably related to 1 & 2, I guess one must also improve support for
> @page rules in general.
> Cheers, I appreciate your help.
> [1]: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-page/
Milian Wolff | milian.wolff at kdab.com | Software Engineer
KDAB (Deutschland) GmbH&Co KG, a KDAB Group company
Tel. Germany +49-30-521325470, Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090
KDAB - Qt Experts - Platform-independent software solutions
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