[webkit-dev] The Care and Feeding of WebCore Modules

Ryosuke Niwa rniwa at webkit.org
Tue Feb 28 17:58:18 PST 2012

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 5:46 PM, Kentaro Hara <haraken at chromium.org> wrote:

> >> So my answer to Maciej's second question:
> >>
> >>> 2) To what extent should Module-like techniques be applied to
> non-Modules?
> >>
> >> is that "let us stop applying Module-like techniques to non-Modules,
> >> until the modularization techniques mature well and the advantages of
> >> applying it become obvious". If there is no objection to this opinion,
> >> I'll revert back patches that have already committed around this.
> >
> > IMHO, the changes to Page have been valuable.  Does anyone really
> > think we should undo, for example, these changes:
> Yeah, I didn't intend to mean I want to revert back all patches.
> To clarify what patches were acceptable or not, we need to reach more
> concrete consensus on the Maciej's second question:
> >>> 2) To what extent should Module-like techniques be applied to
> non-Modules?
> I know this question is more controversial than the Maciej's first
> question, because it is not clear "which is better, #ifdef flags or
> modularization?".
> IMHO, ---- if I take the standpoint that modularization is better than
> messy #ifdef flags ----, the answer can be similar to the one to the
> first question

I don't think I can agree with a standpoint that modularization is
necessary better than if-defs. With sufficient effort, you can make things
like microdata and events modular but I don't believe that such a
refactoring is desirable.

I think it's important to consider pros and cons on case-by-case basis.

- Ryosuke
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