[webkit-dev] [WinCairo] Can not get Mime from https through a proxy

Carlos Díez Fernández carlosdf at gmail.com
Sun Feb 26 14:00:14 PST 2012

Yes, I also tried setting the variable CURL_CA_BUNDLE_PATH to the cert path.

El día 26 de febrero de 2012 22:39, Brent Fulgham <bfulgham at gmail.com> escribió:
> Do you have the cacert.pem file in the WebKit.resources folder? Queries via https will fail without it.
> -Brent
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 26, 2012, at 2:32 AM, Carlos Díez Fernández <carlosdf at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm using Webkit Wincairo (from trunk) release behind a proxy with the
>> environment variable "http_proxy" set for curl to use it.
>> To do the request I use the following code (this is C# using WebKit Interop)):
>>                WebMutableURLRequest request = new WebMutableURLRequestClass();
>>                request.initWithURL(url,
>> _WebURLRequestCachePolicy.WebURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy, 60);
>>                request.setHTTPMethod("GET");
>> When I navigate through HTTP pages everything works fine, but if I go
>> to a HTTPS site, webkit sends a error
>> (didFailProvisionalLoadWithError)
>> Debugging WebKit I found that in
>> Source/WebCore/platform/network/curl/ResourceHandleManager.cpp) on
>> "headerCallback" method
>> the line "d->m_response.setMimeType(extractMIMETypeFromMediaType(d->m_response.httpHeaderField("Content-Type")));"
>> sets a empty MimeType because the http headers are void (the hashmap is void).
>> And then canShowMime() returns false and WebKit throws the
>> "didFailProvisionalLoadWithError" error.
>> I tested this with 0.5 release of WebKit.net (with a precompiled
>> webkit release) and I got the same error.
>> I found interesting that if I load the google home page and I go to a
>> HTTPS site it works.
>> I do not know if google page does a HTTP redirect and the MimeType is
>> extracted from the original HTTP request.
>> Also if I force canShowMime() to true, the HTTPS request works. And
>> also If I do not use a proxy, everything works fine.
>> I tested my code with Apple libraries instead of Wincairo and with
>> Apple libraries it works well.
>> Did someone got the same error? I'm doing the request wrong?
>> I tried to go deep into the error but I'm lost, i don't know if this
>> is a libcurl bug or webkit.
>> Thanks,
>> Carlos Díez
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