[webkit-dev] IDEA: Is it possible WebKit use LLVM as our JIT system of Javascript engine?

Michael.Kang blackfin.kang at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 22:28:38 PST 2012

Hello WebKitten:

         I am a newbie here. Now I am investigating if we can use LLVM
as our JIT system of Javascript engine to get a faster Javascript
engine? I had
searched webkit-dev maillist (probably I missed some previous related
discussion ), and it seems there is only some discussions about
llvm IR to javascript.
        I know the speed of javascript engine is a fight among V8, SFX
etc. Several famous companies have already done a lot of thing on it.
But I will
 think that why we can not translate the javascript to the IR of llvm
since LLVM have a good support for JIT system.  Is it feasible? Could
we get a
faster JIT engine based on LLVM? I like to get your suggestion or
advice about that. Is there some special considerations or obstacle
for such way.
        Any discussion about my stupid thinking is very appreciate.



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