[webkit-dev] MS Open Tech - Initial Prototype of Pointer Events

Scott Blomquist (MS OPEN TECH) sblom at microsoft.com
Wed Dec 19 16:28:26 PST 2012

Thanks for the tips and warm welcome, Kenneth.

> The best way to provide feedback on a spec like this is through the 
> W3C, and

We're keeping an eye on the latest W3C draft (http://www.w3.org/TR/pointerevents/),
and will make every effort to keep our implementation up-to-date with it.

> the best way to provide feedback on the code itself is through a patch 
> on WebKit bugzilla.

I've opened a bug: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=105463

We'll post updated patches to the bug as we go, and we'll make sure to
watch the style guide and contributor guidelines. Feedback welcome.

Thanks again!

-----Original Message-----
From: Kenneth Rohde Christiansen [mailto:kenneth.christiansen at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 12:45 AM
To: Scott Blomquist (MS OPEN TECH)
Cc: webkit-dev at lists.webkit.org; Adalberto Foresti (MS OPEN TECH)
Subject: Re: [webkit-dev] MS Open Tech - Initial Prototype of Pointer Events

Hi there,

First of all I want to say that it is great that Microsoft are
contributing towards WebKit and I want to congratulating you with the
new MS Open Tech organization.

The best way to provide feedback on a spec like this is through the
W3C, and the best way to provide feedback on the code itself is
through a patch on WebKit bugzilla. Our web site explains very well
how to contribute code to WebKit and you should have a look. When
adding new features we usually announce it on webkit-dev to see if
people are generally interested in the feature. I would say that you
have already done so with this email. Whether people are interested or
not, I would suggest creating a bug and uploading your code so that
anyone interested can give you some initial feedback on your work so

Good luck and welcome


On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 2:07 AM, Scott Blomquist (MS OPEN TECH)
<sblom at microsoft.com> wrote:
> We are part of the engineering team of Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. (MS Open Tech, a Microsoft subsidiary; see our initial announcement at http://aka.ms/introMSOpenTech). We have developed an initial proof of concept of a WebKit implementation of the Pointer Events W3C Working Draft (http://www.w3.org/TR/pointerevents/). It is based on a proposal that Microsoft initially submitted to the W3C. You can find more details in our blog post at http://aka.ms/PointerEventsWebkitPrototypeBlog.
> Right now, this is only a very early proof of concept that implements selected mouse and touch events. You can find the code as a WebKit patch on our HTML5 Labs website here: http://aka.ms/PointerEventsWebkitPrototype. We would love to have some feedback on the code, work with the WebKit community on a complete implementation of whatever final spec will be defined by the W3C Pointer Events WG and if the community is interested in our contribution get some advice on how/when to submit this patch to the main WebKit trunk.
> (For those wondering why we are doing this, we are obviously interested in moving forward existing and new input types on the open web and, as the spec evolves, maintain interoperability between WebKit and Internet Explorer.)
> --
> Scott Blomquist
> Senior Development Engineer
> Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.
> A subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation
> Adalberto Foresti
> Principal Program Manager
> Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.
> A subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation
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Kenneth Rohde Christiansen
Senior Engineer, WebKit, Qt, EFL, Intel Corporation
Phone  +45 4093 0598 / E-mail kenneth at webkit.org

Scott Blomquist
Senior Development Engineer
Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.
A subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation

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