[webkit-dev] Verifying changes to build.webkit.org-config/master.cfg locally

Eric Seidel eric at webkit.org
Mon May 23 11:07:23 PDT 2011

If someone does that, seems we should turn it into a script in Tools/Scripts
for easy testing of buildbot! :)

On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Adam Roben <aroben at apple.com> wrote:

> On May 20, 2011, at 8:22 PM, Dmitry Lomov wrote:
> I am trying to make run-api-tests run at build time.
> I wonder what is the right way to verify my changes locally (aka what do I
> run to simulate build on bots locally?)
> Here are instructions I was given by Bill Siegrist (_wms) a while back:
> The basic steps to making a test version of build.webkit.org are:
> 1. Install stuff on a Mac  (I use MacPorts for this, but using the built-in
> easy_install for Python 2.6 on SnowLeopard should work too)
> a) buildbot   (port name: buildbot)
> b) simplejson (port name: py26-simplejson)
> 2. Create a master by doing: buildbot create-master
> /path/to/an/empty/directory
> 3. Get the files from the webkit svn repo (master.cfg and config.json). Put
> them in your buildbot master directory from when you did `buildbot
> create-master` in step 2.
> 4. create a passwords.json in the master directory with a dictionary of
> slavename->password keys like:  { "apple-test-slave": "thepassword", }
> 5. Follow normal buildbot documents to start the master (run `buildbot
> start` in the master directory). The master website should be visible on
> port 8710.
> 6. Send changes using the buildbot tool. The following uses a lot of bogus
> data. All that should matter for testing scheduling/filtering is the branch
> value given to the "-b" option.
> $ buildbot sendchange -b "branches/foo" -r 12345 -u someuser
> --master=localhost:17000 -m "commit message" -R therepo somefiles
> Note that builds will not start until there have been no changes for 45
> seconds (this is set in config.json via treeStableTimer).
> See also:   http://buildbot.net/buildbot/docs/current/
> -Adam
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