[webkit-dev] Why vendor-specific attributes in CSS3 parsing engine?

Simon Fraser simon.fraser at apple.com
Wed May 18 07:36:17 PDT 2011

On May 18, 2011, at 6:36 AM, Sabri Aurrelia wrote:

> Why does webkit not provide support for native CSS3 attributes in its parsing engine where those attributes clearly coincide with most other browsers' attributes -and- the Candidate Recommendations set forth by W3?
> Let me put it this way:  What is the purpose of every browser having their own nearly-identically named attributes that take the same arguments, which are also the same as the attributes set forth in the Candidate Recommendation?
> What makes -webkit-column-gap and -moz-column-gap and column-gap different from each other aside from the name, and if that's true, why is there even a name difference?
> Is it a waiting game?  Or is it possible to take the initiative and adopt early the attributes recommended?  Is there too much risk involved in early adoption even where there's already nearly complete consensus among vendors?

Vendor prefixes remain on new properties until the draft spec that describes them reaches Candidate Recommendation status.

A Google search for "CSS3 vendor prefix" will turn up lots of discussion on the www-style mailing list about this.


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