[webkit-dev] Adding CSS3 font feature propreties

TAMURA, Kent tkent at chromium.org
Wed Jun 29 03:18:04 PDT 2011

Do you have a master bug for them?

On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 12:16, Kenichi Ishibashi <bashi at chromium.org> wrote:

> Hi webkit-dev,

> I'm thinking about adding CSS3 font feature properties[1] support to
> WebKit.  It allows page authors to control over advanced typographic
> features.  Firefox has an experimental implementation and an article[2]
> shows how these properties work.  I really would like to add this feature  
> so
> I'd like to ask comments and suggestions in advance.

> My current plan is starting with adding the font-feature-settings property
> (6.12 Low-level font setting control) as -webkit-font-feature-settings,
> following a similar approach that Firefox did.  For OpenType fonts, other
> properties can be treated as specific cases of the font-feature-settings
> property and I think adding this property is good starting point.

> One shortcomings of this approach is that it requires OpenType support for
> each port.  A port which uses AAT might not be able to support this
> property, or we need to add an extra text rendering subsystem which can
> handle OpenType features to the port.

> If I get started with this plan, I will start implementing css parsing
> part, then implement font rendering part on a specific port (Chromium  
> Linux
> port is in mind for now) on trial.

> I'd also like to put some notes of supporting CSS3 font feature properties
> with AAT and CoreText here:
> - AAT features are listed at [3].
> - While the spec lists the equivalent OpenType feature tag for each
> property, it is unclear that what AAT feature setting corresponds with  
> each
> property.  An email written by the spec editor[4] lists them partially but
> not complehensive.
> - [5] describes OpenType support of CoreText (I'm not sure this is  
> correct,
> though).

> Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated.

> [1] http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-fonts/#font-rend-props
> [2] http://hacks.mozilla.org/2010/11/firefox-4-font-feature-support/
> [3] http://developer.apple.com/fonts/registry/
> [4] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Jun/0506.html
> [5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenType_feature_tag_list

> Regards,

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Software Engineer, Google

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