[webkit-dev] Shadow DOM API (first iteration) ready for landing

Geoffrey Garen ggaren at apple.com
Tue Jun 28 16:49:51 PDT 2011

Hi Dmitri.

> Since this is an experimental API, here are the actual API names we want to use:
> Element.webkitShadow
> Element.webkitPseudo
> document.webkitCreateShadow()
> window.WebKitShadowRootConstructor
> window.WebKitTreeScopeConstructor

Even though we've been using "shadow" as a term in our internal development, I think it makes a bad API name, since it's vague to its purpose, and it conflicts with the existing meaning of "shadow" on the web, which is a color radiating around a visual element.

Perhaps "component" or "subtree" or "disconnectedTree" would be a better API name.


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