[webkit-dev] Expected behavior of "scrolling" attribute for IFrame element

Mustafizur Rahaman mustaf.here at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 04:18:20 PDT 2011


As per w3cschools (http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_iframe_scrolling.asp ),
the scrolling attribute of an iFrame element is expected to behave as per
Attribute Values Value Description  auto Scrollbars appear if needed (this
is default)  yes Scrollbars are always shown (even if they are not needed)
no Scrollbars are never shown (even if they are needed)
My question is: When scrolling="no" & still if scroll bar is needed (i.e. if
the content is larger than the iframe.), what would happen if i drag the
content inside the iFrame? Will the iFrame content be scrolled OR would it
not allow the user to scroll?

This is w.r.t. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=61558 that I am
currently investigating.

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