[webkit-dev] Handling of feature dependencies

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at yandex.ru
Mon Jan 3 12:53:11 PST 2011

> Here are my thoughts on this subject matter:
>     1) It's bad for the WebKit project to have too many feature flags. All those ifdefs make the code both harder to read and harder to test. I think we already have too many and would like to reduce the number.
>     2) It’s bad for the web platform for WebKit to have feature flags. We want WebKit to have the same feature set everywhere, with only the few necessary exceptions for features that are either experimental and under development, or utterly inappropriate in some configurations.
>     3) For the feature flags we do have, we would like them to automatically work properly in any configuration. You should not have to be an expert to set them properly.
> Given those goals, I first would like to avoid adding a new feature flag. And second, in the abstract I think a failing build is the best way to handle contradictory settings. But if the settings are not contradictory we should change the code so that it will work properly.

I'd like to get WebKit running on device with very limited resources. Basically, it would be quite enough if resulting "browser" just properly displayed HTML 4 + CSS 2.1, and it would be highly desired to reduce size of binaries and memory usage as it's possible

For example, I think that Console support could be made optional. 
Addition of --no-console  won't interfere with your goal [2]

On the other hand, I don't think anyone wiling to disable Console would like to enable Inspector in the same time => itroducing Console ifdefs into Inspector seems useless to me (and contradicts your goal [1])


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