[webkit-dev] Tech Talk on WebKit

douchuan do.chuan at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 00:46:09 PST 2010

Is there PPT about the tech? Sadly, I Can't access youtube from China. :(

Jeremy Orlow 写道:
> (Oops, I meant to post this before the holidays but completely forgot. 
> Better late than never I suppose?)
> A couple weeks ago, Eric Seidel gave a tech talk to a live studio 
> audience of Googlers on the guts of webkit. Although there are a few 
> bits that only apply to Chromium, the vast majority of it is simply 
> about WebKit, and thus I thought it might be of interest to others 
> here. The talk operates mostly at a 10,000 foot view and looks at how 
> loading occurs and then steps through many of the various trees used 
> to represent the DOM and handle rendering.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVnARGhhs9w
> Btw, if anyone else is ever giving a talk on WebKit in the bay area 
> and would like it recorded and put on YouTube, let me know. I'd be 
> more than happy to make it happen. :-)
> J
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