[webkit-dev] Increasing the number of cross-platform/port expected results

Darin Adler darin at apple.com
Tue Feb 23 08:14:41 PST 2010

On Feb 23, 2010, at 8:08 AM, Ariya Hidayat wrote:

>> When the test is run, the browser loads both files, takes snapshots, and does a pixel comparison. Thus font differences between platforms become less of an issue.
> Isn't it our existing pixel test infrastructure? Or do you mean something else?

In pixel tests, the expected file is a checked-in image. In addition, we still have a render tree dump; it’s not just pixels.

In reference tests, the expected file is HTML; different than the test file, typically simple markup. Both files are rendered and the resulting pixels are compared. And I presume there would be no render tree dump.

    -- Darin

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