[webkit-dev] Canvas performance and memory usage

David Hyatt hyatt at apple.com
Wed Aug 4 11:07:12 PDT 2010

I'm confused why a special method is needed though.  Can't image() just avoid the full copy?  Given how we use image() in WebKit, I don't think there's any reason to be concerned if image() continues to reflect the contents of the ImageBuffer.  I think we should just switch to that model for the CG port also anyway, since I'm unconvinced we're truly avoiding a copy, and return an image with a custom data provider that feeds the current contents of the ImageBuffer to the image.

(hyatt at apple.com)

On Aug 3, 2010, at 8:55 PM, Martin Robinson wrote:

> Resent from the proper address:
> On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 6:00 PM, Martin Robinson
> <martin.james.robinson at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I notice that Qt added imageForRendering() and felt they could not use
>>> image() for some reason.  I'd be curious if a Qt expert could weigh in on
>>> that, since maybe with a redesign a separate call would not be needed.
> I'm not a Qt expert, but just based on a quick look, it seems that
> imageForRendering  avoids the full QPixmap copy. Christophe,
> when you open a bug for this issue,  please CC me, as I have a
> small patch in my tree which has the same imageForRendering
> pecialization, but for Cairo.
> Martin
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