[webkit-dev] JIT for arm is dependant on gcc

Jason Rukman JasonR at bsquare.com
Wed Oct 21 09:11:03 PDT 2009

I've noticed that there are three functions that use inline gcc
assembler for compiling JIT for ARM_TRADITIONAL.  Is it possible for
these to be reworked using the macro assembler so that JIT can be
compiled without the gcc toolchain dependency for arm? (sp. I am using
armasm from Microsoft?).  


Alternatively, perhaps this could be moved to an external .asm or .s
file.  This looks like it has been done for PaintHooks.asm; so maybe
something similar to that.


These are the functions that I am missing trying to build JIT:


CacheFlush, ctiTrampoline, ctiVMThrowTrampoline & ctiOpThrowNotCaught


If there is a way to compile JIT without these dependencies please let
me know.





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