[webkit-dev] Learning Webkit: High Level Webkit overview?

tali garsiel tgarsiel at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 14:53:39 PDT 2009

Here is the fixed diagram.

I would actually like to help you in the project technical documentation.
Is there anything helpful I can do?

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 1:19 AM, Darin Adler <darin at apple.com> wrote:

> On Oct 14, 2009, at 2:44 PM, tali garsiel wrote:
>  The CSS parser products are "CSSStyleSheets" objects which contain CSS
>> rule lists - right?.
> Yes.
>  If I understand correctly the render style gets created in the process of
>> creating the render tree.
>> The flow is:
>> Node::attach()
>> Node::createRendererIfNeeded()
>> CSSStyleSelector::styleForElement(...)
> Yes.
>  I also see that the HTML Parser initiates the parsing of the CSS style
>> sheets - this is not apparent from my diagram - is this correct?.
> Not really.
> There are multiple ways to initiate parsing of CSS style sheets. I’m not
> sure the best way to reflect this in your diagram. Two of the most common
> ways:
> WebKit loads style sheets and parses them in response to the creation of a
> <link> element in an HTML document, and one of the ways to create an element
> is with the HTML parser.
> WebKit also parses style sheets in <style> elements, and in this case the
> parsing is triggered when the HTML parser calls finishParsingChildren on the
> style element.
> But I think it's possibly misleading to state that the HTML parser
> initiates the parsing of the style sheets, since it doesn’t do it directly,
> and it doesn’t do it for all style elements.
>    -- Darin
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