[webkit-dev] [chromium-dev] Learning Webkit: High Level Webkit overview?

Darin Adler darin at apple.com
Wed Oct 14 10:21:04 PDT 2009

On Oct 14, 2009, at 3:33 AM, tali garsiel wrote:

> I'm also trying to figure out Webkit flow. I modified the Mozilla  
> diagram to my understanding of Webkit flow. Is it correct?

The diagram seems basically OK, although I don’t entirely understand  
what the boxes are.

The diagram leaves out the CSS object model, which is what the CSS  
parser actually produces. And you can edit it using the DOM API.

The CSS style selector produces render style from the CSS object model  
objects, and the render style is closely related to the render tree  
and could even be considered part of it.

I’m not sure I understand what it means to have a box labeled “layout”  
pointing to the render tree. It is true that layout is a procedure  
performed on the render tree.

     -- Darin

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