[webkit-dev] Math.floor(expr1/expr2)

Zoltan Herczeg zherczeg at inf.u-szeged.hu
Thu May 28 10:35:00 PDT 2009


we plans to make a super instruction for floor(expr1/expr2), which is an
integer division (if both operands are integer numbers). We hope it would
be benficial for embedded systems. I think the implementation would be
similar to the JS apply() function: the fast case detects whether both
operands are integer numbers and the function JSCell refers to the native
floor function. The slow case would be the original SF byte code (the fast
case has a jump to the end of the slow case).

Do other ports interested in such super instruction? Where would be easier
to detect these kind of expressions: in AST level or in SF byte code level
(as a peephole optimization)?


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