[webkit-dev] A problem with the "data" attribute of the "object" tag

David Kilzer ddkilzer at webkit.org
Tue May 19 04:52:35 PDT 2009

Unless the movie was loaded from a file:/// URL, it's probably your web server setting the MIME type for the movie file:

$ grep 'avi$' /etc/httpd/mime.types
video/x-msvideo                                 avi
$ grep 'wmv$' /etc/httpd/mime.types
video/x-ms-wmv                                  wmv


From: naixuan guan <guannaixuan at gmail.com>
To: webkit-dev at lists.webkit.org
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 1:29:00 AM
Subject: Re: [webkit-dev] A problem with the "data" attribute of the "object" tag

PS: I use the webkit which is ported to Qt/E4.5.0

2009/5/19 naixuan guan <guannaixuan at gmail.com>

Hi, everyone!
The HTML page is as follow:
<OBJECT id="StormPlayer" width = 800 height = 400 data = "1.wmv"></OBJECT>
when webkit detect the object, it automatically thought the mimetype of this object is "video/x-ms-wmv"
when I change the data attribute to "1.avi", webkit thought the mimetype is "video/x-msvideo"
I really want to know how does webkit do this kind of judge. I search the src code with the key word "video/x-ms-wmv", but I got nothing.
Currently I only know two functions may work with this: RenderPartObject::updateWidget and HTMLObjectElement::parseMappedAttribute, but I can't find out how does webkit check the "data" attribute and decide which mimetype to use.
Could you give me some tips?
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